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Cllr. Mary Tasker

Wychavon District Council – Evesham North

I have lived and worked in Evesham for the past 14 years. I am a Clinical Service Manager of a Nursing home which has two services; Specialised dementia care and an Acquired brain Injury unit.

I work closely with commissioners, professional healthcare organisations and local community groups. I have experience of advocating on behalf of people who need support. I also employ local people to enable my home to have a family atmosphere and enables my service users to be valued members of their own community.

I am passionate about the town and the people who live here. I want the people of Evesham to have a representative in the community who is prepared to listen, take their concerns forward and be able to deliver positive results.

Little Hampton Ward
Evesham Town Council

Badsey & Aldington
Parish Council

Parish Council

West Ward
Droitwich Spa Town Council