On Saturday the 7th of January, the Evesham Labour party’s “Get Political” gig took place at the Valkyrie Bar in Evesham.
On Saturday the 7th of January, the Evesham Labour party’s “Get Political” gig took place at the Valkyrie Bar in Evesham. The event was attended by over 100 supporters, who were treated to a wild evening of music from 4 artists that are best described as socially progressive protest artists from across the Midlands – Bleeding Hearts, Jess Silk, Brian Stone and the Masters of None, and Sam Daisey. The event raised over £1,270 for Evesham Labour’s local election fund which will be used to support leafleting and campaigning in the upcoming May Local Elections.

Mary Tasker, who organised the event on behalf of Evesham Labour, said “this was a ground-breaking event for Evesham, it shows what level of support there is for radical change and social justice in this country – even at a local level in a traditional Tory stronghold”. Mary went on to say that Evesham Labour hoped to build on this with other similar events throughout the year, adding “we’re very grateful to some really talented local bands who gave their time and energy for free, and the Valkyrie which is such a great live music venue”.